Winning Trust in the Court of Public Opinion

Successful issues management and policy communications programs mitigate both short and long-term risk, and help set the parameters of policy and public debate. We help clients leverage these moments in time to shape public opinion to positively impact policy and regulatory outcomes that help protect our clients’ license to operate and to advance their objectives.

Simply put, the ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders is a critical factor in building trust for businesses, government, and NGOs wherever they operate. With the public eye focusing on new issues faster than ever, organizations need to be always prepared for unexpected scrutiny. And, with innovation regularly exceeding the bounds of regulation, organizations that succeed define themselves and their issues before their detractors can do so.    

Strategy & Execution

EGA’s Issues Management and Policy Communications team develops and executes initiatives and campaigns for organizations looking to create a more positive climate for our clients with consumers, regulators, policymakers, and other key stakeholders. We help clients clarify their objectives and then build strategies to achieve these objectives. This may involve a targeted, high-impact digital communications campaign, messaging directed at those that influence policy, or helping our clients speak to broad consumer audiences through a host of channels.   


We help our clients better understand the impact that policy and public scrutiny can have on their activities and help them to use this knowledge to engage in conversations in-person and online to both protect and advance their interests.