
Lindsay Clifton

Lindsay Clifton

Lindsay Clifton serves as Managing Director at Edelman Global Advisory. As a trusted advisor and communications specialist with experience in corporate reputation, government relations and strategic communications, she provides CEO-level guidance and counsel to EGA’s largest global clients navigating the intersection of business and politics.

Ms. Clifton has worked at the highest levels of government and political campaigns as an on-the-record spokeswoman and strategic communicator. Prior to EGA, she served as the White House Deputy Press Secretary where she focused on economic, labor, trade, and related regulatory policy issues. Prior to the Administration, she was the National Spokeswoman at the Republican National Committee during the 2016 Presidential cycle. During her tenure at the RNC, she frequently appeared on television and managed the press engagements for the chairman. From January 2015 to January 2016, she served as Deputy Press Secretary for Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner and as Communications Director for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

Ms. Clifton began her career on the 2012 Romney presidential campaign and as a consultant for Glover Park Group’s financial services practice. She studied at Drexel University.