
Alister Jack MP is a self-made millionaire, having built up and sold various self-storage businesses since the mid-1980s. Most recently, he has been the Chief Executive of Alligator Self-Storage. Jack is also a part-time farmer, with a large dairy farm near his home in Dumfries.

Political Career

Jack was elected to the rural Dumfries and Galloway seat for the Conservatives during the 2017 general election, and was in the cabinet within two years as Secretary of State for Scotland. This appointment followed ministerial roles such as PPS to Baroness Evans of Bowes Park, during her time as Leader of the House of Lords, and a Government Whip.

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Having been re-appointed by Truss, Jack has already ruled out any changes to UK law which would allow a second referendum on Scottish Independence. His primary focus will be boosting support for the Union in Scotland. The Government and Jack will be watching keenly to the Supreme Court's decision on whether the Scottish Government can call a referendum without approval from the UK Government.


The Rt Hon Alister Jack MP

Secretary of State for Scotland